Nortel And Its Failure to Communicate

When I tried to email someone at Nortel from my GMail account, I got this reply:

Your email was blocked at NortelNetworks by our spam filters. The
reason for this is explained below, and what actions you should take
(if any) are also described below.

If you do not maintain your own email server[s], we suggest that you
forward this email to your email server administrators.

Your email has been forwarded to the intended recipients.

Your email is still blocked. This is likely because our metrics
indicate that your mail server is continuing to send unacceptable
quantities of spam and/or viruses and we have not removed the filter
rule that caused the block. We recommend that you deal with the
blacklistings shown below, and then contact us (by replying to this
email) about re-enabling email access.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reply to
this email.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Spam Filter Operations
Nortel Networks

We blocked this email because the body of the email contains
a reference to a URL that starts with "http://66.".

URLs that contain an IP address are almost always spam, and we block it
for that reason.

The best way to avoid this is to use a proper DNS domain name in your
URL instead of an IP address. It's entirely unnecessary to use IP addresses
in URLs.

I can undertand why the 66.*.*.* domain may be off limits to Nortel staff. In my case, I was sending a Google cached page to people. Google caches hold that embarassing stuff that people publish and then later rescend. If anyone high up at Nortel wanted to rewrite history for the staff, 66.* makes that harder.


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