Bruce is The Man!
I am compiling a list of people who fit in a category. The Man. Not like the guy that keeps us down , but the guy that gets it done ("You da man!"). These are guys that give great performances, do cool things and generally impress me. Near the top of that list if Bruce Campbell. He has a few new movies coming out and he is out schlepping for his new book: " Make Love * The Bruce Campbell way " This Is From The Inside Flap What you're reading right now is known as the “flap copy.” This is where the 72,444 words of my latest book, Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way , are cooked down to fit in a 3 ½-by-9 ½-inch column. But how does one do that with a fictional story about a B movie actor’s disastrous attempt to finally star in a big-budget Hollywood movie? Do you tantalize readers with snappy zingers like the one in chapter six where Biff the Wonder Boy says...