hi mike can you tell me how you adjust your blog layouts ? or html code? I see that all your blog posts stretch to the very left of the page, and mine is away from the page. A big thanks in advance.
I can send you my Blogger template, maverick, if that would help. If I recalled, I took an existing template from Blogger and dropped the left margin down in the CSS.
So here's the deal: your at your office. It's Friday afternoon-- maybe you're new to your job and you're going to push your limits. Go to : http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~sf-papercraft/Gallery/at-at/at-at.html Print about 20 copies of each page Get out the scissors and the uhu stick Stage a terrific battle. Go home for the weekend. Maybe they'll take you back on Monday.
*** DISCLAIMER: I tried and left Etsy some time ago. The recent experiences speak not to Etsy, but to the dynamics and shortcomings of Etsy's model *** I fight crickets. Crickets are that sound you hear when nothing else happens. Comedians hear it when they suck. I hear it when I put something out there and no one notices it. For example, over a year ago, I began re-imagining lawn ornaments as zombies. I dislike lawn ornaments, so I thought it was a befitting response to give the critters an undead patina . In the last year, I sold one, gave one away and then a month or so ago, I got a request to send out another one-- for cash! I mailed it. Supposedly, the address was incorrect, so it meandered back. Canada Post wanted to charge me to send the item, and they wanted to charge me to get it back. I sent it under a rate to be delivered in 5 business days. It took 15 business days to wander back. I was able to argue into not paying to get back what Canada Post failed to deliver. I hea...
I went right away to the Pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Donald Sutherland version.
But the Borg use what they find and turn it to their own purposes, often against the people who they got the stuff from.
Fits, perfectly.
can you tell me how you adjust your blog layouts ? or html code?
I see that all your blog posts stretch to the very left of the page, and mine is away from the page. A big thanks in advance.