
When I am in the middle of a project, I work towards its completion like a guy going through the desert. When a project runs late, I start to feel like I've run out of water. Days without completion feel like days without water.
This week, I finally put to rest Phase One of Dynapar Encoders and yesterday, I put out a new database driven version of Da Game Boyz front end index page. Both projects had trap doors and surprises. Both were driving me nuts. Meanwhile, I had other work that was grabbing at my time and at home, I was trying to do Game Boyz code while hanging with Alice and having some semblance of a life (that last point I kind of failed on). The trick with Game Boyz was that my code base was sitting on a drive in a dormant computer. My back-up disks weren't readable. Yeah!
More work is ahead of me with Dynapar and Game Boyz, but at least I'm over the hump on both.


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