
Remember when you weren't supposed to be caught taking a nap? Metronaps is bucking that trend. I'm waiting for the day when there are actual "discreets" like there were in the Bruce Sterling novel, "Schismatrix".
My idea is a "Home Away From Home." A storefront with an access card gate. Members swipe and enter. They can grab a nap; nuke a burrito; make some phone calls; change diapers; or chill in a couch while channel surfing. Charge a membership (like a health club-- but this will be a chill club) and have attendants regularly sweep through and clean. Pop one in each mall and have the attendants make the rounds to all of them cleaning, fixing and moving to the next spot. All members to either invite one person, or get a family membership. Use video surviellance to keep track of bad customers who can have their memberships yanked if they're caught putting the phone in the microwave or the burrito in the couch.


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