Rim Job Cancelled

Rim Con, Victoria's wouldbe convention, has been cancelled. First off: Why oh why call it "Rim Con"? Secondly: when you put up a website to hype your project, then proceed to ignore requests for more information, make sure that your website doesn't suck. I would love to put together a convention, but I have so many things on the go: if I put this into the queue, it wouldn't get done for three years (or more).


Tim Bailey said…
Is that considered a suckful website these days? I guess I'm going to have to raise my standards. The motto "Come for the Convention. Stay for the Sights" does seem singularly uninspired and pedestrian. In my experience these things often feed off of two things: critical population density and historical momentum. I'm not sure Victoria has both.
Shawn DeWolfe said…
You got to see this copy of the site. In the past, the site has been up and down. It lacked key information that you would need to attend a convention.
Ted Godwin said…
I followed the links from yours to Don's to the Fanforce discussion forum and let the guy who was whining about "apathy" have a peice of my mind.
Tim Bailey said…
Good work, Ted. Those were all salient points, to be sure. Blaming "a lack of interest" is almost always a cop out. And you're right about literary v. media -- those literary conventions need a much larger fan base. And from what I've seen, the Robinsons pretty much stopped being authors and are full-time conventioneers now. I would think they'd need at least one major sf author to serve as an anchor.
Unknown said…
So very well argued Ted.

I've now blogged about these folks too. I included the tags "whiners" and "idiots".

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