H1N1 For Sale in Victoria

This from UsedVictoria:

Hello. I am a nurse with an extra vial of the H1N1 vaccine. One vial will do 10 shots. I am willing to administer these shots to the highest bidder. A silent auction will start when this ad is posted and continue until midnight on Friday, November 13. I will contact the highest bidder to arrange to come to their house and administer the vaccine. I will also bring my credentials.

Good Luck!

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Unknown said…
Nice photo to accompany it btw. :)

I reported it to UsedVictoria under the Report this Ad -- chose option "scammer"
MoonWiseMama said…
The ad has been removed :)
Shawn DeWolfe said…
That's true. The ad has been removed, but there's a technical glitch on the UsedVictoria site. You can still send messages to posters even if the ad has been taken down. I find that's a funny loophole.

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