December 3rd: McUnHappy Day

A ten year old wants to protest the Softwood Lumber impasse. For those who haven't noticed, the US has massively lost challenge after challenge. Despite the rulings from NAFTA, the WTO and other organizations: the US refuses to ante up the cash they have skimmed from incoming lumber.
Luke McAndress' solution: boycott McDonalds on December 3rd. "No Mc-D on Dec. 3" Why? Move over Apple Pie: McDonald's is the international symbol of the America. Fat people quickly stuffing their faces with greasy and nutritionally devoid food products. It's an American success story.

How can you boycott McDonald's? Well, I do it about 360 days of the year. I've learned my lesson. Since dropping McDonald's from my diet, I've lost 40lbs! For those of you who have the time to spare here's how you do it:

A) Go to a drive through. The bigger the vehicle, the better. Go up to the window and order nothing. Or, order "I'm boycotting McDonald's" then drive out. If you have time. Repeat at the same McDonald's or a different one-- they're everything three blocks to alternate with all of the Starbucks.
B) Stand in line at lunch. Go up to the till, take a good long time to survey all of the menu options. Then, order "I'm boycotting McDonald's" and walk out.
C) Contact McDonald's. Toronto: (416) 446-3932; Vancouver: (604) 293-4834; Montreal: (514) 421-4881. Explain to them that you are boycotting McDonald's because of the softwood ruling that the Americans have ignored.

A Canadian spokesman has decried that this will hurt local worker and businesses who supply McDonald's. That's crap. McDonald's is not going to keep their workers home. The aging discs of beef in their freezer have sell by dates. When they lapse, they will have to buy more. McDonald's is not going away. But, you can make sure that the franchise holders have not net profits to kick up to the Smiling Clown of the South.

Lastly, if you are going to join the boycott, don't make a secret of it. Emplore others to join the boycott. Send them a link to this blog post. Contact the Province reporter, Matt Ramsey, who wrote a piece on this and tell him what you plan to do.


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