I'm such an ASBO

Britain is fighting their hooligan problems with ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders) contracts.

Anti-social behaviour has a wide legal definition – to paraphrase the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, it is behaviour which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people who are not in the same household as the perpetrator. Among the forms it can take are:

  • graffiti – which can on its own make even the tidiest urban spaces look squalid
  • abusive and intimidating language, too often directed at minorities
  • excessive noise, particularly late at night
  • fouling the street with litter
  • drunken behaviour in the streets, and the mess it creates
  • dealing drugs, with all the problems to which it gives rise.
They are trying to curb these problems by getting yahoos to sign ABCs (Acceptable Behaviour Contracts). Pledges by those found guilty of these offenses that they not commit these crimes again. In the weird world of British society pierced, blue junkies who spit on cops can still be made to sign a piece of paper and adhere to it.


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